I have never seen the whole movie but I get the idea. TV weatherman Phil Connors gets caught in a time loop and relives the same day over and over again. It's been less than six weeks since I blogged about the three identity lies and yet this week I find myself once battling to hold on to what I know to be true...I am in restored relationship with my Creator-Redeemer-Provider who is faithful to take care of me and work through me.
Just about the time I think nothing can shake my realization of these truths I find myself caught in the loop again; wrestling with doubts and fears about who I am and what I am doing. Of the three identity lies I have learned I am most vulnerable to the first one...you are what you do. "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." (Matthew 4:3)
For so much of my life I was finding my fulfillment and contentment in what I was doing; my sense of productivity. I thank God that he has lovingly led me to a place where I am faced with breaking that lie and finding my identity in him alone. But what a tug-of-war it can be!
This is a great example of the mysterious dynamic between information and transformation. We often describe this as getting something from our head to our heart although in reality you can't really compartmentalize the two. While it is true that information never guarantees transformation, transformation always involves information. Truth has the powerful potential to lead to growth!
So if you find yourself stuck in the loop of an identity lie, there is nothing new in how to break out of it. Immerse yourself in the ways of engaging your relationship with God that are most effective for you. One suggestion would be to do an online search for 'scriptures on identity' and several links will pop up with verses on who we are in God. For more on the three identity lies see my blog from March 30th. The battle is real and worth fighting. God bless you!