Hi guys...brothers...dudes...men. We all know too well how pervasive this issue is in our lives and yet it still isn't addressed often enough or consistent enough...the eyes of man and the allure of woman. Even as I scrolled images for this picture, most pics were of women and I had to resist the desire to stop and stare.
I didn't fully realize the depth, danger, and self-centerdness of this in my own life until the book Every Man's Battle came out 20 years ago. What an eye opener (pun intended). When I read the book by Arterburn and Stoeker I could totally relate. When my wife read it she cried for two days.
She was in total shock of how men respond to the image of a woman's body. And of course she will never fully experience it. No woman will. They can't get into our head anymore than we can get into theirs. Thus the reality of this fight will never go away and is constantly present.
And it starts early. I remember I was watching television with my son when he was four or five years old. A commercial came on with a woman who was dressed in a way that would get a man's attention and my son said, "Wow, Dad. She sure is pretty." I was stunned for a moment and then not. Yes, it starts early.
There are many deceptions that come with this battle: there's no harm in just looking...I deserve this simple pleasure...I must be the only one who struggles so much with this problem...I can't control myself...if they didn't want me to look they wouldn't dress that way...the list goes on.
My latest personal strategy has been to take a more positive approach to the daily battle. Instead of getting worn out by beating myself up every time I have to resist the desire to do a double take, I first thank God for the beauty of creation, thank him that I'm attracted to the opposite sex, and then ask him to help me not to objectify women for my own selfish pleasure. This has really helped me. Maybe it can help you too.
Much has been written and said about this subject and I don't need to go on. I just want to keep it out in the open so we can be encouraged to keep fighting the good fight. We are in a battle for our worship. Worship equals relationship. Relationship means loving God and others more than giving into selfish desires. Worship is Life!